We are seeking private investors for Hardcore Choppers Las Vegas motorcycle (choppers) dealership and TV show. Lee Stamper, TV talent from Orange County Choppers "OCC" and Southern Choppers is envolved as a partner and will manage the design and building of custom corporate theme motorcycles (choppers)for Hardcore Choppers Las Vegas. We are seeking $750,000.00 for start-up and operating capital through private accredited investors investing $25,000 to $750,000. The investors will be paid back their investment plus 15% interest in three (3) years. After three (3) years and the investors have been completely paid their investment plus interest, the company will have the option to purchase the investors percentage ownership.
The dealership will be located in Las Vegas and will have an income foundation by being the exclusive dealer for Big Bear Choppers in the Las Vegas market. Big Bear Choppers is the 2nd largest manufacture of production custom choppers, in the United States. Big Bear Choppers has fifteen (15) different models of choppers to choose from and every model can be purchased as a completed motorcycle or as a kit that needs to be painted, powder coated, chromed and assembled. With the ability to take a kit and add custom parts, accesories and a custom paint theme will alllow Hardcore Choppers Las Vegas to sell every motrcycle completely unique, like a true custom chopper.
Big Bear Choppers kits will also be used on our corporate theme motorcycles. Hardcore Choppers Las Vegas will have a inside sales force, made-up of "phone pros" to market and sell corporate theme motorcycles to every company in the world. This concept of building corporate theme motorcycles is being done by Orange County Choppers, The TV show American Choppers, but they are only building 15-20 a year and they do not have a sales force selling corporate theme motorcycles. Medium to large size companies will pay $50,000 to $150,000 for a corporate theme motorcycle.
Hardcore Choppers Las Vegas partner, Lee Stamper, has a very large followig as a motorcyle chopper TV personality. He has been on Southern Choppers for four seasons, American Choppers for two seasons, is presently filming a show for True TV and is in negotiation with MTV for a reality show to build a MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE motorcycle that will be auctioned for charity. Hardcore Choppers will film its Grand Opening in March of 2011 for future footage for a TV show and we will seek funding for a reality TV show to work with corporations and building their corporate theme motorcycle.
For additonal infomation and documents, contact Troy Tillery on facebook or email me @ My cell. # is

Lee and I are looking for motorcycle enthusiast that want to be apart of this very exciting OPPORTUNITY to build the biggest, baddest Big Bear Chopper dealership in the world. We will be witten-up in magazines, be on TV, go to motorcycle conventions all over the world and create an extemely vialble business while doing what we LOVE. Be apart of our family